5 Signs That Your Relationship is Strong and Healthy
Happy couples are said to share housework and go to bed several times a week. They tell each other their problems, never go to bed angry and help each other out. But so many other things contribute to a happy, healthy and stable relationship. There are much simpler and less obvious things that indicate the same: PLAYFULNESS "Couples who play together also cope with stressful situations as a team. If they play often as adults, they learn more strategies for dealing with stress and are less likely to try to escape their problems." - says expert Alexandra Jamieson. It's not just spending time together that counts, but being calm and carefree around your partner. It's not about sex games (although they are important), but about playing Frisbee, playing ball, pillow fights, playing cards or socialising. Magyar Kassza hétvégék 2022-ben Avatar - A víz útja Csizmás, a kandúr: Az utolsó kívánság Vérapó Beugró a Paradicsomba Átjáróház A menü Fekete Párduc 2. A titokzatos nő Lar...